Sunday, August 16, 2009

Finally blog 1: Taipei again!

My life lately has been a huge whirlwind.  As of the past year, I had moved home after living for the first time abroad and traveling around eastern asia.  It was an amazing journey in which the Lord blessed greatly.  Getting readjusted to life in the west took time, but the most difficult part was wondering what the Lord had in store for me.  Still till this day I wonder this, probably always will. 

The year home consisted of working in a restaurant, church hunting (never finding a home church), encouraging my mom, catching up on hikes with dad, meeting a wonderful guy, almost moving to Alabama, almost getting married, changing my mind, moving to Prague, taking more teaching courses, teaching in a Christian International School and once again becoming single again.  Oh and did I mention that I moved back to Taiwan?

Some would probably look at my life and think I had no direction or clue of what I'm doing, but the Lord has been guiding my footsteps every step of the way.  Now I will have to admit He has had an interesting way of leading me and growing me in this past year, that is for sure!  His ways are not are ways and His thoughts are not our thoughts-  that's all I have to say.

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