Friday, June 1, 2012

Wow, so I read my friend Britt's blog and thought to myself why haven't I ever started one.  As I typed in, the website greeted me by name...hmm?  Oh yeah, that was the reminder I needed...I DID start one three years ago.  Actually, I can't really say I started one, unless you consider my one measly post a blog!

I should start afresh.  Try to really commit to this.  I just enjoy my journal book so much because i can tote it around everywhere.  I can write anytime I get the urge.  You see I don't write for anyone but myself and God.  It's my way of clearing my head, which usually comes in the form of my raising questions, pouring out my soul, praising & praying. I guess those things were and are sorta intimate to me.  Not to mention, I'm not very good at writing nor am I clever with words.  With that said, I'm gonna just share directly as thoughts come!  I'm not even gonna check grammar and punctuation.  I blame this partly on my personality.  I know some of you writers would be insulted by this.  My apologies but it's my blog. Ha!

Quick update, well at least as minimal as one can be for not posting in the last 3 years, I STILL live in Taiwan and have loved every bit of it.  My job is awesome.  God must have graciously poured out favor for me because my boss and i have a divine relationship.  I take leave when I want and she provides subs no questions asked.  My schedule is under 30 hours a week and I have the best co-teachers and children ever, excluding a couple! ...just saying, gotta be honest!  Recently, we have been planning hard for our graduation show.  It's soon, within a couple of months.  Our theme is Around the World.  We will be singing songs such as :Kung Fu fighting, La Cucaracha, It's time for Africa, Cotten eyed Joe and a few other.  Did I mention we choreograph all of the dances?  It's rough but fun!  I think I lose 5 to 10lbs around this time of year with the combo of summer and practice!

For almost two years, I have lived smack dab in the middle of the city. It's an awesome location, key place for eating out that's for sure.  Oh and for exercising.   My apt is sheek and modern and I love it.  It's hard to come by in Taiwan.  For some reason they love hard furniture and plain white walls.  Decor is not really there strong suit.  Also, for the past year I have lived with two great Taiwanese girls.  We all get along really well and our living situation couldn't be more better except for the recent water leak we have been having.  ....Ok the "quick update" will have to be continued because I gotta go save my friend's Hannah and Cat, they drove up from Hsinchu and they should have been here 10 minutes ago.  Uh oh...